Word to the wise: Give yourself a lot of lead time when renewing your SAM registration and if possible, renew BEFORE it expires.

In April of 2022, the SAM.gov (System for Award Management) website went through sweeping changes, one of which was replacing DUNS numbers with UEIs (Unique Entity Id).  As part of this process, all entities- even many who have been in SAM for years- have to go through the validation process, providing documentation to validate the legal business name, physical address, and year of incorporation.

Here are some important tips regarding the new entity validation process in SAM.gov:

  • If you want to register in SAM.gov or even just get a Unique Entity ID, you must validate your entity information with our new Entity Validation Service (EVS) provider.
  • If your entity information does not match the information presented in SAM.gov, you will create an incident and provide documentation to complete validation.
  • Once you create an incident, the entity validation service will review your ticket and contact you via email if they require additional information or documentationIf needed, you can go to your SAM.gov workspace and add more documents. Please respond promptly to any emails requesting documentation or clarification.
  • You will receive an email notification once validation is complete instructing you to go back into SAM.gov to accept the match.

This process is taking some time.  To increase your likelihood of success in getting validated, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the tips found here.

Remember, if you are a government contractor or interested in selling goods or services to the government, your Wyoming PTAC is here to assist!

About the Author: Janean was raised in the mountain west of Montana and Wyoming and is passionate about helping small businesses succeed in navigating the exciting world of government contracting. Janean has a background in compliance, training, Human Resources, and Equal Employment Opportunity. She and her family love the Wyoming outdoors, traveling around the state for youth hockey, and then coming home to watch the Great British Baking Show.


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