In 2013, Mike Leisz was planning on retiring, after 30 years of service as a Journeyman Lineman, when he was contacted by a former co-worker in need of quality control inspectors for high voltage transmission power line construction. Envisioning what might be a great opportunity, Mike and his wife Titia started Badger Inspection Service, LLC. After successfully completing their first job in July 2014, they were awarded an additional 72 mile new transmission construction job in Eastern Colorado. In addition to the large job, they have just been awarded two smaller jobs that have necessitated hiring two additional inspectors. Badger anticipates that they currently have enough work in the pipeline to stay busy through the end of 2017.
As Manager, Titia believes that one key to their success is learning as much as possible about all aspects of running the company and understanding all aspects of each job. She believes that hiring the best qualified and dedicated inspectors is also important to their business success. In return for employee quality, Badger pays top dollar wages, to be sure that their inspectors are well taken care of. Her philosophy is, “Happy employees make happy customers.”
Titia and Mike first encountered the SBDC attending an introductory Start Your Own Business class in 2013. They then contacted Cindy Unger, who assisted them to create a business plan. Through Cindy’s referral, the new entrepreneurs contacted the Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), where they were able to learn how to solicit government contracts. Since June 2013, Titia has taken over 100 hours of online, self-study, and physical classes through Wyoming Entrepreneur SBDC, on topics such as accounting, marketing, human resources, government contracting, construction management, and financial management. Titia says, “My company would not be on the right track without the support of Wyoming Entrepreneur.”