June 17, 2021
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Online Training
Looking for some tips on how best to advise your community members as they work through their COVID-19 recovery? Join Elissa and Eric Ruckles for a presentation on helping others through these challenging times. This session will provide conversational processes that can be used to help others in dealing with stressful situations. Participants will be able to reduce the stress felt by colleagues and peers, thereby helping them to improve their performance.
In this session you will explore:
- Situational Empathy: cognitive, emotional, compassionate
- Tactics for defusing emotional situations
- Processes in which to help people move forward
- Demonstrating emotional/social intelligence
Presented by Eric and Elissa Ruckles of Elevate Wyoming. Companies who partner with Elevate believe work should be a worthwhile, enjoyable part of our lives. They want to be successful and part of that success means having a vibrant, thriving culture. For those who work with us, we promise to help you build and sustain an environment that has your entire team excited to come to work.