Working with a business advisor could help you obtain a different perspective on our business and create new, exciting possibilities.

Having a business advisor can look a number of different ways, but essentially it is another perspective or outside view of your business.  This person could be someone in your industry that can share how they might approach a similar challenge, someone from a totally different industry but similar role (CEO, manager, etc.) that could provide suggestions or thoughts from that perspective, or it could be a mentor that you have had along the way.  Of course it can also be a professional consultant or coach.  Some of these, like a professional, might cost you a little money, or perhaps it can be as simple as buying someone lunch or a cup of coffee and asking for their feedback.  I have also seen companies put together an advisory board consisting of several people that meets once a quarter to provide direction.


For example, you might feel that generating more sales is your biggest challenge.  Sometimes the root cause of a problem might be entirely different.  In this case, perhaps it’s the product or service that isn’t up to customer’s expectations.  Or, maybe you need a full-time sales person to be promoting the product because you tend to get pulled in too many different directions to focus on it properly.  It could also be a marketing mix or pricing problem.  An outside advisor that is not blinded by the day-to-day activities within the business can often ask the right questions to help you uncover the real problem, and possibly the solution you have been seeking.


Your local SBDC Network advisor could be one of those independent coaches or business advisors.  We provide no-cost, confidential services and can ask probing questions that help your business live up to its potential.  Could this be something you try in 2017?

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