Small Business Skill-Building Workshop – Casper

Small Business Skill-Building Workshop - Casper

September 14, 2023
8:30 am - 4:00 pm

In-Person Event:
Downtown Best Western
123 2 E st
Casper, WY 82601

Ready to improve your skill set to start or grow your small business? Join the Wyoming SBDC as it presents a full roster of business experts for a day-long conference at the Downtown Best Western in Casper. Wyoming business experts and SBDC staff will provide interactive, skill-building workshops addressing a wide range of essential business skills. Conference registration includes all the workshops, continental breakfast, and buffet lunch.

Workshops and presenters for the conference include the following*:

“Setting and Achieving Realistic Business Goals” presented by Kassandra Vaughn-Worsley, CEO, SK Media LLC

“Increase Profits through Financial Management: Straightforward Cash Flow and Analysis Strategies” presented by Rob Condie, Wyoming SBDC Regional Director and former Banking Industry Professional

“Creating Compelling Social Media Messaging” presented by Audie Cunningham, Wyoming SBDC Regional Director and Entrepreneur

“Develop Your Greatest Asset: Attract and Retain Quality Staff” presented by P.J. Burns, Wyoming SBDC Regional Director and current board chair for the Powder River Chapter of the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM)

*Workshop subjects, titles, and presenters subject to change.

Event cost: $49.00

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